
Nicholas is a staff writer at Photodoto. His interests include photography, collecting cameras old and new, video editing, and all things 3d. If a new gadget comes out on the market, he's sure to be the first to try it. He enjoys experimenting with low light photography, very long exposures and high speed filming.

Is Photography a Dying Industry?

Oh, the good old days. The days when taking a photograph was a rare occasion. Those are the words that someone born way back in the early to mid-20th century would tell a millennial or a Gen Z youngster. You can tell how their eyes would light up when taking you through the few available photos of their young escapades.

man with camera on cliff

As you travel down history lane, you can’t help but wonder how far technology has brought the photography industry. You imagine how someone who didn’t get to witness how technologically advanced photography has become would marvel at people taking selfies. You also wonder about the future of photography – what would it look like a few decades down the line? Will photography vanish, or will it flourish to infinity? Let’s find out!

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Work & Travel: 12 Tips to Using Your Photography Skills

Spending time away from home is always an exciting opportunity to experience new things and discover places you’ve never seen before. This is particularly pertinent to photographers, both amateur and professional. There are hundreds of suggestions about taking photos while you’re traveling, so many that it can become overwhelming rather than helpful.

man with camera at a lake

In this article, we’re going to provide you with 12 tips to take your photography up a notch the next time you go on an adventure.

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How To Stream With A DSLR

You’ve probably seen people using their DSLRs in place of webcams while streaming, and if you already have a DSLR, it could be an excellent option for you to do the same.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about how to stream with a DSLR. After reading this, you’ll be more than ready to start off your streaming career.

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Using the Best Shutter Speed for Wedding Photography?

Wedding photography is possibly one of the most difficult and demanding areas of the industry. Things are happening all around you and it’s your job to ensure that you capture the moment perfectly, or risk ruining someone’s big day. Your photographs are going to be the memories that the couple, their families, and their friends hold on to.

Getting the settings on your camera right is critical—especially the shutter speed. Let’s discuss the best shutter speed for weddings.

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How to Set Up a Pet Photography Studio?

Did you know animal/pet pictures have been one of the most popular internet searches of all time? And it seems like the public’s love for some cute pet photos isn’t going to die out soon.

dog pose

You’re reading this article so that means you’re about to set up a photography studio for pets or you’re looking for tips to improve one.  Fret not! We got you covered.

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Do Photos Make You Look Fatter?

There are various sayings out there about cameras adding pounds and making you look fat, things that may not be too desirable for a photographer taking pictures of a client.  Are they true and if so, what is the technical basis behind this phenomenon?

hand holding measuring tape

This article will answer the question, “do photos make you look fatter ?” once and for all and also go into how to solve the problem.

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What are the 7 Hardest Types of Photography?

As you all know, there are many types of photography. Different genres of photography come with different challenges. So, as a photographer, before taking on any type of photography, you must know the different challenges posed by each of these types.

camera over waterfall

In this article, I will share the 7 hardest types of photography and the different challenges that make each of these photography genres hard for the photographers.

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What Techniques Do Wildlife Photographers Use to Get Close to Their Subjects?

Are you looking for techniques that can help you get close to wild animals? You’ve come to the right place. Wildlife photography is one of the most exciting and beautiful forms of nature photography. It needs a lot of patience and hard work, though.

elephant charging

This article discusses  the techniques wildlife photographers use to get close to their subjects.

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5 Best Entry-Level Mirrorless Full-Frame Cameras

Mirrorless cameras are here to stay. They have taken over the camera market as the new dominating camera type. Professionals and amateurs alike are waking up to the benefit of a lightweight mirrorless camera that can replace their aging bulky DSLR.

mirrorless camera

So why should you stay deprived of this new, remarkable, and game-changing photography system?

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