Mastering Photoshop Textures to Create Powerful Imagery

Photoshop has done for photography what the road did for the wheel! That’s quite a bit in case you’re wondering…

This union has made photography the worlds 2nd most popular past time… Because let’s face it; creating exciting images is indeed thrilling, and most of all, highly addictive!

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How to Unobtrusively Blend a Watermark Into Your Photos

Is it worth to watermark your photos? This is the question every photographer asks himself before sharing photos online. Visual watermarks protect your ownership and copyright from online theft. Photographers use watermarks for self-promotion, recognition and advertising purposes.


All photographs you share online should be attractive and cohesive. Watermarks (like large stamps or long texts) carelessly placed, distract from the overall look and feel of a photo and make it unattractive. You should unobtrusive and artfully integrate watermarks.

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50 Portrait Retouching Tutorials To Take Your Photoshop Skills To A New Level

Is it something that often happens to you? You just sit and keep on looking through your photos on the computer screen trying to take a closer look at your full-size pictures. And then it occurs to you that they didn’t really suck that much during the actual shoot?

Of course, what you see during the shoot with your eyes and what you get after the photo session is not the same thing. But do not let your despair take possession of you! Photoshop will save the world with its advanced tools to smooth out skin and hair, optimize body proportions and emphasize some details. Just like beauty!

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20 HDR Photography Tutorials to Learn This Technique in One Day

Applied with care, High Dynamic Range technique (HDR) can create amazingly beautiful photos which blur our sense of difference between reality and illusion.

The intention is to properly represent a wide range of intensity levels found on real scenes, ranging from deepest shadows to direct sunlights.

Traditionally, an HDR shot is achieved by taking multiple images with different exposures of the same scene and merging those photos together to get the best exposed parts of each on the final image. And the results can be really incredible.

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Ultimate Guide To Blending Modes in Photoshop

The blending modes feature is one of Photoshop’s most undervalued tools for Photographers. Blending modes can be used to alter the ways in which each layer interacts with the layers below it, allowing for endless possibilities when it comes to setting the right tone or adding artificial lighting.

How to Master Blending Modes in Photoshop

Graphic designers and digital illustrators use blending modes all the time to create interesting lighting effects or textures; however, most digital photographers don’t realize that blending modes can be useful when working with photographs, too. The right combination of blending modes can set a dramatic tone that is otherwise difficult to achieve.

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3 Tips to Ruin Your Photo with a Watermark

Strange as it may seem: photographers, who should be highly creative persons with fine artistic taste tend to be bloody awful designers.


But don’t get me wrong here. I’m not expecting someone to be able to design me an outstanding corporate logo just because he is a great photographer.

But the massacre begins even at the level of watermarking their own photos!

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Color Correction: How to Salvage An Image With Defective Color in 10 Minutes

Have you ever taken a photograph of something beautiful only to later find that the resulting image lacks the vivid colors and energy that were present in-person? Fortunately, Photoshop offers a plethora of color correction tools that can help you salvage images with defective color.


This guide will teach you how to utilize Photoshop’s color correction tools so that you can transform your lifeless photographs to match the beautiful memories inside your head.

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The Pro Photographers Guide to Black & White Vs Colour

Setting the tone of an image is arguably, the most important part of any photograph.

As the photographer, this choice can help to define your overall style; making your work instantly recognisable purely by the tone of your chosen medium.

You have to consider the composition, exposure and all those other technicalities. But it is how the subject is portrayed that gives an image its final lasting impression.

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Retouching with Cloning Tools: Part 3

In Part 1 and Part 2 of the Retouching with Cloning Tools series, you learned what cloning tools are used for and the differences between each tool. In this part of the series, you will follow a step-by-step tutorial to learn how to remove power lines (or other unwanted objects) from an otherwise beautiful photograph.

This particular image contains distracting power lines on the left side of the stylish building, but the photo is oriented in such a way that simply cropping them out would look strange.

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Retouching with Cloning Tools: Part 2

Welcome back to the Retouching with Cloning Tools series! In Part 1, you learned about how cloning tools are used to retouch and remove imperfections from images.

Retouching with Cloning Tools: Part 2

In this part of the series, you will learn more about the specific differences between each cloning tool, what kind of jobs they work best for, and how to use them. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to pick the right tool for the task!

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