Welcome, new readers!

It’s been a year since I’ve written a “welcome to Photodoto” post. In that time, we’ve attracted a bunch of new subscribers. Thanks for reading! For the benefit of new readers, here’s a brief tour of Photodoto.com and some things you may have missed:

Some of our most popular recent posts:

Patience, a photographer’s ally

Survey: what kind of camera do you use the most?

Screencast: Creating black and white cutouts

Review: The Art of Black and White Photography

Black and White With a Splash of Color

Do you photoblog?

Popular older posts from our extensive archives:

Ten Tips for Photographing Pets

Playtime: Using Mirrors

8 Online Lens Rental Stores Compared

Bokeh. What the hell is it?

Understanding exposure: shutter speed, aperture, and ISO

Super quick (and easy!) tip for more flattering portraits

Browse our archives:

Speaking of archives…

Continue reading Welcome, new readers!