Dylan Goldby and the Art of Adoption Photography

Dylan Goldby shoots large projects for major clients. He is a Nikon Ambassador and a staff writer for F-Stoppers. He has held the title of photo editor for Groove Magazine and is the go to shooter for a multitude of international publications. As if these resume showstoppers aren’t enough, the Australian is the co-founder of Flash Light Expeditions, an endeavor that teaches course participants the fundamentals of photography lighting.

Dylan Goldby and the Art of Adoption Photography

Yet, all of these superlatives are pale when placed next to the niche work he produces. As an adoption photography specialist, Goldby captures the moments that define generations to come. I sat with Dylan to learn first hand how his particular model of family photography makes such a tremendous impact on both the clients he serves and the world of photography.

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Home for the Holidays: Christmas Photography Tips

Ahhh, the Holidays. Millions of normally civilized people overextending their budgets and sometimes their left hooks in the pursuit of the perfect gift, stretching their culinary skills (and their smoke alarms) to their furthest heights, and begging and cajoling their extended families into family pictures, lots of them, so that they can forget the stressful, over-emotional, exhausting, sleep deprived knock down, drag out fights and focus on the memories of beauty of the season.

I photograph a ton of families during the month of December, and truth be told, it’s pretty stressful getting people in the perfect outfits when they are balancing a head full of thousands of dancing sugarplums.

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Mastering Family Portrait Part III: Posing Guide

It might be the redheaded stepchild of photography, the gum under your shoe, the backwash left in the glass when you think you’re drinking champagne, but posing is one of the most important parts of any photograph.

I am not a traditional poser, so I’m not going to get into thumbs in or out of pockets, or serious or smiley, or even all looking at the camera or away from the camera discussion, although I do personally think that seven people all staring out into space is kind of 1970’s-esque spaced out druggy weird. Not that I have a strong opinion on that.

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Mastering Family Portrait Part II: How to Deal with Clients

So you had your pre-shoot consultation, and you’re ready to go. You get to your location, and the family are all there on time, in happy moods, excited to shoot, and looking great.

Except for that toddler who just wouldn’t go down for his nap. (Note: NEVER shoot a toddler during his naptime…EVER!!!) Or that grandfather who doesn’t want to walk all the way over to that perfect location that you spent hours scouting, the teen aged boy who hates you on sight, and, Oh, right, Bessie just broke her arm yesterday…hmmm, a little daunting, but you can get through it, I promise.

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Mastering Family Photography: What You Need to Get Started

One thing that I shoot my fair share of is family pictures. I love the family dynamic so much: the “over primpers”, the “get me out of here’s”, the “I’ll be in the picture, but I’m going to ruin every single shot”, the “smile or I’ll beat the snot out of you later’s” and the “gee, we’ve known that we were going to do this months in advance, but we just rolled out of bed so here we are in our pajama’s ” types recur no matter what the social or economic dynamic. That’s why shooting family photos is so much fun, but can be a little scary if you aren’t used to doing it.

In this first of a multi-part series, I will give you tips on taking a family shoot from nightmare to dreamland.

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Family Photography: the Value of Professional Photography Over Amateur

Having a big family get together and want to capture the moment? Just had a baby and want to get some family shots together? Is your child off to university and you want a family shot before your kids fly the nest? Families are important, and one thing you won’t want to do is look back in a few years’ time and wish that you’d decided to take the opportunities you had to get some professional family photographs done.

So if you are thinking about getting some family photographs done then the next major question is whether or not you want to get a professional in over an amateur. Everyone knows someone who’s relatively handy with a camera, and it can be a real temptation just to pick someone like that in order to keep the costs down.

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