Painting with Light: Tutorials and Photos

Light painting photography is also known as light drawing or light graffiti. This photographic technique is wide spread among professional and amateur photographers thanks to its simplicity and beauty.

To take such photos will not took much time, so you can try it whenever you want. You just need to have

  • Camera;
  • Tripod;
  • Light source (LED light, flash light, candles, etc.);
  • Darkness.

There are a few video tutorials on how to take light painting photography. There you’ll find some basic tutorials and some advanced ones but still they are understandable and easy to apply.

Moreover, you can also look through the following related articles:

Light painting tutorial video

Light Painting Tutorial: Light Painting 101, The “On Camera” Light Source

Light Painting Tutorial

Light painting photography tutorial: custom white balance

Light painting photography and Special Effects

Long Exposure Photography � Sparkler Fireworks

Light Painting Tutorial Using a Canon SD Series Camera

There are a few video tutorials on how to take light painting photography. There you’ll find some basic tutorials and some advanced ones but still they are understandable and easy to apply.

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Light painting

light painting photography

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Profile Painting

light painting

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Light painting with Christmas lights

light drawings

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Devil in the Dark

light painting

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Saturn � light painted

painting with light

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Light Art: Holiday art

light painting

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Ketley light painting

light painting

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Light on your feet

light painting photography

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Light paint spirograph

light painting

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If you really like this light paintings then you will definitely appreciate other tutorials from our blog.

By Davlin Ann

Ann Davlin is a young inspired editor of Design Web Kit Blog. She takes a rose-colored view of all the things around and will be glad to share her world-view with you. Find her on Google+.