Browsing around the Internet, I came across a company website that combined two passions of mine: rubber stamps and photos. The company is Stampics Digital Rubber Stamps, and it presently offers one product, high-definition rubber stamps in various shapes, sizes, and colors.
These stamps actually look somewhat like photos from older newspapers, complete with grey scale. According to their description, the stamps are created using a new technology that “captures details up to 2400 dpi.” The site offers plenty of samples, as well as guidelines for what type of photograph makes a good stamp (good focus, good contrast, contrasting background, lots of pixels) and what type makes a poor stamp (an image that is too small or has limited grayscale or dark shadows).

Angel stamp
Basically, you design the stamp online. You choose a shape and size and then upload a photograph. You can ask to have the background edited out, and a text box allows you to make other editing requests. Want to include text? Choose from 6 different fonts and 8 different text locations. Choose an ink and case color, and you’re done. Prices range from $12.95 to $18.95.
The company also gives you the option of creating the grayscale artwork on your own computer (they give you the specs). This allows better control of the finished product. If your artwork won’t work, the company will let you know. In any event, you will see a proof before your order is finalized.
The site suggests various uses for your stamp, including business cards, invitations, promotional items, and similar ideas. I’d probably use mine for greeting cards or business cards, but since I can’t even make up my mind which photo to use, that decision is moot.
I can not get ahold of anyone at Stampics.
Does anyone know anything? Are they out of business?
I cannot get ahold of them either! I ordered a stamp from them 3 months ago and still have not received it. They sent me confirmation email but never charged my credit card. The company is through ebay I think. Not too sure about them. I am going to look for another company that provides the same sort of thing.
Good luck!
Just saw this after 6 years! We are very much in business! In fact we have a brand new website with lots of fun rubber stamp templates. Sorry about the trouble 6 years ago — you must have got us at a bad time!